From Raw Materials to Sheer Bliss

Who can take a pile of bricks and turn it into a cottage? A contractor can. Who can take a few loads of concrete and turn them into a sidewalk? A contractor can. Now, not all contractors have the same skills. A contractor who primarily works on cottages would probably have difficulty making a sidewalk, for example. However, those in this industry are very used to collaborating and reaching out to others when they come across work they don't specialize in. If you think contractors and their work are awesome, then you've come to the right place. This is a friendly blog where you can read more about the topic.

Signs Your Deck Is Sinking

Construction & Contractors Blog

Not sure if your deck needs to be repaired? Sometimes, lopsided decks can be subtle, you may only notice it when you walk from one side to the other. Other times, you can see a definite slant, and you may be concerned about pets or children walking on it. Here is how to know if your deck's foundation needs to be repaired and why it happens.

It All Starts With the Foundation

Screw piles are superior when it comes to providing support for movement across the deck. Deck blocks, however, can make the surface shaky and unstable. This, combined with the condition of the ground below, is likely responsible for your deck sinking.

If you have this problem, you may notice that you lose balance when walking across the deck, that the rails are asymmetrical, or that parts of the deck appear uneven. 

How Did This Happen?

The weather patterns in your area, combined with the type of soil present, can create a vulnerable environment that makes your deck more susceptible to sinking.

When soil is wet, it absorbs water and becomes softer. As the soil dries, it hardens and pulls back again. Your deck will move slightly each time this happens, though it may be unnoticeable in the beginning, and this creates foundational instability over time. This is especially true if you live with turbulent weather patterns and experience these changes more frequently. 

How Is It Fixed?

It's best to contact a professional and have them come by to assess your deck in person. They can discuss the pros and cons of different building materials while keeping your budget in mind, looking at weather patterns in your area, and helping you decide if your deck can be partially salvaged or if needs to be fully replaced.

How Do You Find Someone?

Establish credibility by asking if they have examples of work they have done in the past, or if they have reviews showing their history of successfully helping others. Ask which method they prefer to use, and why, to ensure they can explain why they use one method of deck repair over another. This will help you confirm they are knowledgeable, and you can use what you have learned here to get the conversation going. 

Deck foundation repair can be scary, especially if you are worried it could fall apart without warning. Be sure to get in touch with a foundation repair specialist today to help guide you through the process. A foundation repair service can provide further information. 


4 August 2021