From Raw Materials to Sheer Bliss

Who can take a pile of bricks and turn it into a cottage? A contractor can. Who can take a few loads of concrete and turn them into a sidewalk? A contractor can. Now, not all contractors have the same skills. A contractor who primarily works on cottages would probably have difficulty making a sidewalk, for example. However, those in this industry are very used to collaborating and reaching out to others when they come across work they don't specialize in. If you think contractors and their work are awesome, then you've come to the right place. This is a friendly blog where you can read more about the topic.

Seven Landscape Problems That A Concrete Retaining Wall Can Help You Solve

Construction & Contractors Blog

If you're struggling with certain landscaping problems, you might be surprised to learn that a concrete retaining wall is the best solution. Concrete retaining walls can fix a lot of common landscaping problems.

The following are landscape problems that a concrete retaining wall can help you solve. 

Erosion of soil

One of the most significant problems that retaining walls help solve is soil erosion. If precipitation and wind are causing topsoil to be removed from your landscape, a retaining wall can help to hold this soil in place. 

Erosion can lead to significant issues like mudslides or poor soil fertility due to the loss of topsoil. Erosion can also simply weaken the structural integrity of a landscape. A properly designed concrete retaining wall may be the best solution available. 

Frequent flooding

Retaining walls can also be designed to help prevent flooding on a property. Retaining walls prevent flooding by creating a barrier in a landscape that water has trouble penetrating. Concrete retaining walls can also direct the flow of water into drainage pipes to prevent the accumulation of standing water. 

Disorganized appearance

Retaining walls can give more structure and organization to a landscape. They can be a good way to improve a landscape by breaking it up into different levels and flower bed areas. 

Property damage

The problems caused by not having a retaining wall can lead to property damage. This is especially true when it comes to erosion and flooding.

Property damage resulting from these issues can be caused not only on your own property but on your neighbors' properties as well. You might be held liable for property damage to your neighbor's property that was caused by an issue on your own property. 

A concrete retaining wall can prevent property damage and protect you from resulting liabilities. 

Lack of space that can be used for landscaping

If a landscape is on a steep slope, it can be hard to use the land for features, such as gardens and patios. With retaining walls, it's possible to flatten out portions of very hilly land to create more space that can be used for landscaping features. 

Drab landscape appearance

A landscape that is not broken up in any way by retaining walls may appear drab and boring. Retaining walls can give such a landscape more of a design and create forms and divisions within a drab landscape. 

Added landscape maintenance costs

Having a concrete retaining wall built into a landscape can help to save money. Retaining walls can bring down maintenance costs by keeping soil in place. Retaining walls can also prevent the need to pay for repairs after damage from issues like flooding or sinkhole development. 


11 August 2021