Who can take a pile of bricks and turn it into a cottage? A contractor can. Who can take a few loads of concrete and turn them into a sidewalk? A contractor can. Now, not all contractors have the same skills. A contractor who primarily works on cottages would probably have difficulty making a sidewalk, for example. However, those in this industry are very used to collaborating and reaching out to others when they come across work they don't specialize in. If you think contractors and their work are awesome, then you've come to the right place. This is a friendly blog where you can read more about the topic.
Construction & Contractors Blog
The discovery of one or more cracks in a home's foundation is a frightening time for any homeowner, even when the cracks are small ones. Homeowners who have heard foundation horror stories from their peers may be especially distraught by spotting foundation cracks in their home's foundation. If you have just discovered this problem, the following information can help you calm your fears while also developing a solid plan for determining the cause and finding a good solution.
Some foundation cracks are normal
The first thing to know is that some foundation cracks occur normally as the home settles. Small, vertical, or slightly diagonal cracks due to normal settlement are unlikely to need repaired or usually do not put the foundation at risk of failing in the future. Homeowners who discover small settlement cracks in their home's foundation may want to photograph the cracks on a regular basis and discuss any noticeable changes with a foundation repair expert to see if repairs have become necessary.
Cracks that widen, gap, or bulge should be taken seriously
Cracks that are more extensive, such as those that widen, gap open, or have uneven bulging edges should always be taken very seriously. This is especially true for those that appear to run horizontally or large cracks that seem to appear suddenly. Foundation cracks that are large or mostly horizontal in shape often mean that unhealthy amounts of soil pressure around the foundation is pushing against the surface and weakening it.
Left unrepaired, horizontal cracking can cause foundation walls to buckle and become unable to support the weight of the home. Homeowners who discover evidence of horizontal foundation cracking will want to have their home's foundation professionally inspected so that a comprehensive repair plan can be made to repair the damage and restore the foundation walls' stability and strength.
Cracks can cause or worsen water infiltration issues
Homeowners should also understand that some types of cracking can cause or worsen water infiltration issues, which can continue to exacerbate existing foundation problems. Cracks that are small and unrelated to serious foundation repair issues can often be sealed with sealants or the use of hydraulic concrete.
More substantial foundation cracks, especially those capable of contributing to more serious foundation problems, may require the use of special techniques that use braces, anchors, or piers to help stabilize the foundation and prevent further damage from occurring. Homeowners who want to learn more about foundation repair issues and how they can be addressed should take time to discuss their situation with a foundation repair contractor as soon as possible.
Share16 August 2021