From Raw Materials to Sheer Bliss

Who can take a pile of bricks and turn it into a cottage? A contractor can. Who can take a few loads of concrete and turn them into a sidewalk? A contractor can. Now, not all contractors have the same skills. A contractor who primarily works on cottages would probably have difficulty making a sidewalk, for example. However, those in this industry are very used to collaborating and reaching out to others when they come across work they don't specialize in. If you think contractors and their work are awesome, then you've come to the right place. This is a friendly blog where you can read more about the topic.

3 Signs That You Are In Need Of Basement Waterproofing Services

Construction & Contractors Blog

Water seepage in your basement can result in a host of issues, including compromising the integrity of your foundation and ultimately causing your home to require serious repairs in order to avoid major safety risks. That is why it is so important for homeowners to utilize basement waterproofing services if there is any indication of water seepage in their basement. Unfortunately, far too many homeowners simply do not know what to look for when determining whether or not they are in need of these services. If you are also unaware of what warning signs to look for, taking a moment to continue reading below will allow you to learn more about three of the most common signs that you are in need of basement waterproofing services.

#1: Your Basement Has A Musty Odor

Even if you are not able to see any physical signs of water seepage in your basement, there is a good chance that you will smell evidence of this problem. This is because the presence of excess moisture in your basement will often result in a rather strong musty odor. While many people mistakenly believe that this musty odor is normal for basements, simply because they are below ground level, the truth is that this odor can indicate a very serious problem. Consequently, if your basement smells a bit like a locker room, you will want to reach out to a waterproofing contractor to have your basement inspected.

#2: Presence Of Mold Or Efflorescence

Water seepage in your basement can lead to the development of mold or efflorescence on your walls or floors. If you have mold growing in your basement, you could find that this mold is white, black, or green in color. Efflorescence, on the other hand, will be white in color and will often appear chalky. While mold growth will be the result of high moisture levels in your basement, efflorescence deposits are the result of the salt content in this moisture rising through the cracks and pores in your foundation. Both of these substances indicate the need for basement waterproofing services.

#3: Watermarks On Walls Or Below Windows

If there are cracks in your foundation that are allowing water to seep in, there is a good chance that you will see evidence of this problem in the way of watermarks on your walls or below your basement windows. These watermarks will often appear slightly darker than the surrounding areas, with the outer edge of the marks being the darkest in color. While these marks themselves may not be a serious problem, they can point to a far more serious underlying cause. 

Contact a company like Vulcan Waterproofing for more information. 


16 September 2022